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'Get to know ... Richard Hume!' - Director of the Hunting Stock Market


I thought that I'd approach a wider audience, so today, I spoke to Richard. Richard has been a Director at the Hunting Stock Market since 2017, along with his sister, Jill Mitchinson. So what were Richard's answers to my questions...

Richard Hume, Director of the Hunting Stock Market

Have you hunted all your life? What is your earliest hunting memory? - 'Yes I have hunted since a young age. I started going out when I was 8 years old. My earliest hunting memory was passing out the field master, and getting an old school blocking, which for some reason made me respect him more!'

What was the name of the naughtiest horse you ever rode, and what made them naughty? - A chestnut horse called Jim was the worst I’ve ever ridden but funnily was the best horse for cross country I’ve ever sat on, honestly if you pointed him out over the railings off a bridge he would go.... but he would happily break partitions in a horse box on the way to the meet.'

Can you recall your best day out? - 'When I was 17, William Bryer was hunting the Limerick Foxhounds and we had a 12 mile point from Bruree. That was the day that really got me hooked on hunting.'

What do you think the future will bring for the Hunting Stock Market? - 'I think we have a bright future! We are lucky to have a wonderful client base in the UK who are resilient and love their sport and with the right direction our sport will thrive. We also ship product all over the world, today alone we sent parcels to Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand and of course a major hunting nation in the USA'.

Thank you very much to Richard for answering my questions. I cannot recommend the Hunting Stock Market more for hunting attire, and very very nice socks! I wish you all the best for 2021, and look forward to seeing the very much loved business grow!


Hattie Austin Sport Photographer
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